Na Grécia, janeiro 2013, deu-se início a um ataque concertado do Estado a espaços ocupados. Dada a distância, a CasaViva, não podendo fazer mais, faz questão de se mostrar solidária. Não apenas com palavras, mas também com o rosto da solidariedade expresso numa faixa na sua fachada, como declaração pública, perante a cidade, acerca do lado em que estamos. Salientando e confirmando também uma prática diária de transformar um espaço vazio e fechado numa extensão da praça, onde a cooperação, a partilha e a auto organização substituam a competição, o lucro e o mando. Porque a melhor forma de solidariedade é essa, a de lutar por cá como se luta por lá.
Um espaço abandonado é um desperdício que só pode ser tolerável até que alguém precise desse espaço. A partir daí, o direito ao usufruto tem que se sobrepor ao de propriedade. Num momento de empobrecimento forçado de grande parte da população grega, o ataque a quem transforma o abandono em vida e possibilita a subsistência, a educação e a cultura a muita gente, que não as teria garantidas doutra forma, é duplamente criminoso e não pode passar em claro.
Num Portugal onde se torna impossível viver, que isto sirva para relembrar a importância de libertar espaços das garras do capitalismo e criar alternativas que sejam semente e base dum mundo diferente. Porque quem sabe se não é por aí que se fazem as revoluções quando se querem de baixo para cima. E talvez seja exactamente por isso que a repressão, que mais não é do que a manifestação de medo dos poderosos, cai especialmente em cima destes projectos.
Exemplos de solidariedade noutras cidades: Contra Info
Repression is the fear of the powerful
In Greece, an organized attack of the State against squatted spaces is taking place. Given the distance, and not being able to do more, CasaViva shows its solidarity. Not just in words, but expressing the face of solidarity in a banner hanging onto the street in its front, as a public statement towards the city that clearly states on which side we stand.
Stressing and making clear the importance of daily practice of transforming empty and closed spaces in an extension of the square where we stand, where cooperation, sharing and self organization replace competitiveness, profit and leadership. That is the right way to express solidarity: to fight here as they fight there.
An abandoned space represents a waste that can only be tolerable until someone needs that space. From then on the right to use it must prevail over property. Nowadays, as a large part of those in Greece are victims of forced impoverishment, an attack to those that turn emptiness into life and make possible that a lot of people have access to proper housing, education and culture, that otherwise wouldn’t get it from anywhere else, is doubly criminal and cannot be ignored.
In a Portugal where it is becoming impossible to live in, let this be a reminder of the importance of freeing spaces from the claws of capitalism and of creating alternatives that may become the seeds and basis of a different world.
It might be exactly from there that revolutions, the ones from bottom up,are made. And maybe that is exactly why the repression, which is nothing more than the manifestation of fear by the powerful ones, always falls over these projects.
Stressing and making clear the importance of daily practice of transforming empty and closed spaces in an extension of the square where we stand, where cooperation, sharing and self organization replace competitiveness, profit and leadership. That is the right way to express solidarity: to fight here as they fight there.
An abandoned space represents a waste that can only be tolerable until someone needs that space. From then on the right to use it must prevail over property. Nowadays, as a large part of those in Greece are victims of forced impoverishment, an attack to those that turn emptiness into life and make possible that a lot of people have access to proper housing, education and culture, that otherwise wouldn’t get it from anywhere else, is doubly criminal and cannot be ignored.
In a Portugal where it is becoming impossible to live in, let this be a reminder of the importance of freeing spaces from the claws of capitalism and of creating alternatives that may become the seeds and basis of a different world.
It might be exactly from there that revolutions, the ones from bottom up,are made. And maybe that is exactly why the repression, which is nothing more than the manifestation of fear by the powerful ones, always falls over these projects.